1. Can I cancel my booking?
Sure you can, please contact our customer care number displayed on website within 3 days of making payment, will cancel the order and issue refund
2. How long can you hold my booking?
For advance paid customers, we can hold your booking for 1 week, after that will be initiating refund and the booking vehicle is released for sale. For COD, no show on designated date and time is considered as void booking.
3. Mode of refund?
As the payment is done online, refund will be issued online.
4. How long does it takes for refund amount to be reflected?
If you had selected Cash on Delivery, there is no amount to be refunded because you haven’t paid for your order, For payments made via Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, or Wallet you will receive refund into the source account within 7-10 days from the time of order cancellation.
5. On paying Booking amount will I get a payment receipt from Radheshyam Honda?
Yes, immediately after payment you will receive email confirming the same.
6. What if money is debited but transaction failed?
My transaction is failed, but the money has been debited from my account. If the transaction failed, the money will be reversed back to your account. As it requires the bank to manually settle the funds, allow 7 working days for the amount to get reversed to your bank account
7. Do you home delivery, vehicle?
Please discuss with your sales consultant, if possible we will definitely try to deliver at home.
Please write to info@Radheshyamhonda.com for any specific queries.